Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Practice Story Reflection

In our G.T class we did a practice story. We had to get into teams of three, our team was Mia, Claudia, and I. We had to decide which person was going to be interviewed. During our class the decision was made, and they chose me to be the interviewee. Our story was called Gabby likes dancing.

During the process they recorded me doing the interview, I messed up a couple times and we had some tough times finishing the interview but we got it done. Once we finished the interview we went on to doing b-roll. B-roll is when you have an interview going on in the background while you have footage of that same person doing what they are talking about in the interview. During our b-roll I messed up A LOT and at some parts I didn't know what to do. Everybody was kind of stressing out about that part, but we got it done.

After all of the filming was done and we got all of the clips that we needed we went onto editing. During our editing process we had some arguments on who was going to do the transcript paper and who was going to edit the film and we had only like 5 days to get all of this done, but the hard thing was that a person in our team was gone for two days so we had to do some of the stuff with two people so it made our team struggle at some times, but in the end we got it all done and turned it in.


1 comment:

  1. Why did your team choose to interview you instead of the others?
