Friday, February 28, 2014

Profile Project Progress

In our G.T. project we are interviewing Mias gymnastic coach Jack Leonard. In the process we interviewed him and got some b-roll. We got this footage at Kauai Gymnasics Academy. It is a great place to go to because the gym is open so the parent can come and watch, and the gymnast get some air. We chose Jack Leonard because he has an amazing background, he has taught an olympic gymnast. And he has some great stories, and he really puts his emotions into his stories.

While we were getting footage we had to get B-Roll and Voice Overs. These things are kind of hard to do, When you are doing b-roll you don't want camera movement, and when you are doing Voice Overs you dont want any noise in the background. This is very hard because if you are right in the middle of an interview and a loud car comes by or a phone rings, then you'll have to start that part over. That goes for b-roll if you have A LOT of camera movement then you'll have to get it again and again until you get it right.

Our team can be better if we work together and take responsibility for our own actions and get an equal amount of work to do. We could have probably done b-roll a little bit better so we did a second day of b-roll and that really helped because we had some camera movement when we did b-roll the first time, but over all we are working pretty good together.

In our group we need some improvement. We need to get actual sequencing instead of doing our own sequence in final cut pro. We need to get footage that has no camera movement, and we need some more b-roll. We will go back to kauai gymnastics academy and refilm what needs to be refilmed


  1. Hey Gabby! Your teams video was super good, Im glad it won.

  2. Your profile project video and blog are both really good.

  3. Your video was really good! Your blog is really pretty. Miss you

  4. I love how big your text is, its is really easy to read!
