Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Three Shot sequence

 A three shot sequence is a short explanation of an action or story in a few pictures and a little bit of writing to make the sequencing complete. Sequencing is pretty easy if you know how to work a camera. When you do sequencing you have to have a wide shot a medium shot and then a close up. For example if you were playing soccer you would get the soccer player and the ball in the wide shot, then you would get the person kicking the ball in a medium shot, lastly you would get the ball going into the goal in a close up. Sequencing is important for a story to have because its better then looking at the same shot while your watching something. Its would get kind of boring to look at one shot, and it wouldn't catch the viewers eye. But if you have sequencing then you know that the viewers will be amazed and want to watch more.

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